Tag Archives: busy


Busy, that is a word used by so many. Busy, that is what parents are. Busy, that is how we keep kids out of trouble. Busy. Busy. Crazy Busy. It seems we, in general, are so busy any more. Too busy to stop over for a cup of tea or coffee and chat. Too busy to go visit grandparents. Too busy for a lazy afternoon. Too Busy.

I have been there, so busy I wonder if I will make it through the week. I am selfish, too, though. I do not like being too busy to enjoy dinner as a family. I enjoy conversations with my family. I love to take a walk or bike ride together. Geocaching, what a simple, inexpensive time to explore the outdoors. Cooking real, whole, nutritious food. So many simple things, we cannot enjoy when we are ‘crazy busy’

I have been thinking about this lately, felt challenged by God to say, what can I do to slow the pace? Does my pace create peace in my home? Can I welcome visitors, expected or unexpected? I do, within the depths of my heart, believe in fellowship with one another, is something we are called to do. But, that is another topic.

Busy….what does the Word of God have to say about busy? Of course, those who have been around the Church and teachings for more than a month know about Mary and Martha. Jesus came to their home. Martha was all flustered with the stuff to do, such as food, serving, etc, yet Mary was listening, investing her time in being with Jesus. Martha had a melt down because her sister was not helping with the preparations, and she was scolded by Jesus, who explained Mary was focused on that which is important, Jesus. That which is eternal.

As parents how does that help us? We just know that if our children are not involved in a sport, or two, every season, we are not helping them to get ahead. If they are not in dance, drama, music, youth group, AWANAS, Scouts, etc, we are robbing them. We are made to feel guilty for keeping the out of stuff, we are reminded how important it is for our kids to be in debate, so they can learn to get ahead in the corporate world. It is expected, it is normal, it is ‘life with kids’ to have something every night of the week, sometimes even a few things on the same night, mom and dad play tag team driving kids from one activity to another, teaming with other parents to get kids where they need to be. Many sports have games on Sunday, so Church is missed, “but it is just for six weeks” (What is the message, what is more important?)

It is what we have come to accept as normal, but is it what is right in the eyes of God?

Look at this passage from Haggai 1:5-9 ESV

Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the Lord. You looked for much, and behold, it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house.

When we are so busy running kids, are we sowing into them? Are we remembering our first and most important ministry, the one hand picked by God? Are we able to take time to enjoy His creation? His art work? Are we able to enjoy dinner together as a family?

Last fall one of my sons played soccer, practice was the same night as Boy Scouts. I had made the comment, I don’t know if we will make it or how I will pull it off. A friend told me, you just get used to it, the driving, the going, the rushing, after a couple weeks, you just get used to it. She is a friend who has children involved in multiple activities at all times, she is used to it. Soccer season came, and went, and we survived. We went as a family to games, he and I did not always make it back to Scouts. We did it, but it was not without sacrifice. We did not have time to slow down to clean house, get decent meals cooked, or just enjoy this farm which God has blessed us with. Hmmm….

Sports are a great part of life for those who enjoy them, so let’s not get sidetracked on a topic not being brought up, please.

Busy…busy…When we are so busy, are we able to build up the house of the Lord? Busy.

Our family has chosen another path, one that does not keep us so busy. Yes, we have plenty of activities, yes, we have things we do, but we elect to slow down, to know our kids will be ok if they are not in music, or drama, or sports, if they do not do every camp. We chose to say no to stuff that can be good. We chose to have family first, so that means extra camps, even Church ones are not attended, we chose to have time together so that means activities are chosen carefully.

Recently, during a discussion about being busy, somebody told me the acronym for busy: Being Under Satans Yoke.

Ouch, that is true, when we are so busy, satan has us just where he wants us…….too busy to seek first the kingdom of God.

Are you b.u.s.y.?