Tag Archives: Goats

Babies 2015

I love spring time in the country.  The new life that springs forth every where.

This year we had our kids born on the same day as my newest nephew – how cool is that?!?

we could not agree to name them the feminine version of his name. 😉

Aren’t the so cute?!?

Mama could escape the babies.......for a limited time anyway

Mama could escape the babies…….for a limited time anyway



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Waiting. Waiting is so hard, it requires so much patience. Waiting for a baby to be born….I have decided it is so much hard to be the one waiting that the one expecting.  I have had three babies, I never fully appreciated the position my husband or my support crew was in until I was the support person.  Waiting for friends to go into labor so I could go to the hospital with them, as a help to mama and dad or as a surrogate husband…..that was the most stressful time for me to have a baby.  Every time the phone rang, I was emotionally geared up to see a baby born.  Even when I was not in the delivery room, those I loved have had babies, and what a time of excitement and anxiety.  Love the miracle of babies.

Well, now that we live on a farm, we get to wait for a different kind of baby……baby goats!  The excitement is here, maybe not quite as much as one of the new human babies, but still rather exciting.  Last year we did not breed our girls because we like them to be a full year before breeding, so we have not had a baby goat for two years! Can you imagine the excitement?  I check her regularly for signs, when ever I do not see her in her pen for a few  minutes, my heart begins to race, and I wonder.  We  now have the binoculars close by so we can look more closely and not bundle up to check on her.  She is huge, and I feel for her.  This is her first freshening, she will be such a great mama.  Did I mention she is huge? There must be 3 or 4 cute little babies in there!  Oh, the excitement, the anticipation, the waiting……….

Will be sure to share picture of the babies, whenever they decide to come…..for now, we will wait.